Varlık 7/24 - Fixed Asset Management
Detailed Classification
On Varlık 7/24 you can classify your fixed assets, fixed assets in the areas you want in the detail you want. So as your needs change, you can make a new classification of your fixed assets in the detail you want.
Periodic Counts, Mobile Interface
Varlık 7/24 can be counted easily both online and through our free Mobile Apps. This makes it easy for all of your users to access wherever they need the information they need, wherever they work.
Census Comparison
"Varlık 7/24" you can compare the current periods with the Fixed Asset Censuses in the past periods, you can find out about the status of the tangible assets.
Fixed Asset Transfer Between Locations
In the case where fixed assets are exchanged between regions, you can keep Fixed Asset location with Varlık 7/24 as the latest update with Asset transfer.
You can embed your Fixed Assets on your system and track their situation.
Fixed Fixed Custom Definitions
Varlık 7/24 goes beyond the basic Fixed Asset census schedule; your needs change; so it is always an excellent platform for achieving objectives or solving problems for any number of entities in any sector and for any size company. You can easily track the area and configuration information for your fixed asset to be entered on Varlık724.
Fixed Asset Count Service
Let your professional teams follow your name and follow your fixed assets.